Verify that sites who are supposed to be linking to you really are! Manage your reciprocal links, with the unique ability to look for links throughout entire websites instead of just individual pages. There are many link managers and reciprocal link checker applications out there, but they all require that you know exact URL that your link is located. The obvious problem is that if the remote website changes the URL or places their links on a different page you have to manually search the entire site! Your Link Exchange Program software gives you the ability to spider entire websites in order to find and verify links. Just enter your website, the websites that link to you, and how many links you expect there to be on each site. The software does the rest! The sortable results list allows you to see verified links, missing links, and much more! An in-program browser allows you to view the webpages that link to you with the click of a button! Scan specific URLs, or spider entire sites, for links back to your website This appliction allows you to crawl entire sites in search of link-backs
23 Ağustos 2009 Pazar
Your Link Exchange Program 3.3
Verify that sites who are supposed to be linking to you really are! Manage your reciprocal links, with the unique ability to look for links throughout entire websites instead of just individual pages. There are many link managers and reciprocal link checker applications out there, but they all require that you know exact URL that your link is located. The obvious problem is that if the remote website changes the URL or places their links on a different page you have to manually search the entire site! Your Link Exchange Program software gives you the ability to spider entire websites in order to find and verify links. Just enter your website, the websites that link to you, and how many links you expect there to be on each site. The software does the rest! The sortable results list allows you to see verified links, missing links, and much more! An in-program browser allows you to view the webpages that link to you with the click of a button! Scan specific URLs, or spider entire sites, for links back to your website This appliction allows you to crawl entire sites in search of link-backs